Georgi Dimitrov
composer, conductor, pedagouge

02.05.1904 - 12.03.1979Belogradchik – Bulgaria
Georgi Dimitrov is best known as a composer of songs and a pedagogue who taught generations of eminent and internationally acclaimed choral conductors. He graduated from the Teacher’s Department in the composition class of K. Szikorski at the Conservatoire of Warsaw (1929). He studied Violin under Ohlewsky, Choral Conducting under Kasuro and G. Fitelberg. He taught in Gruetz and later studied at the Department of Musicology of the State University of Warsaw. There he was Head of the choir of Bulgarian students “Hristo Botev”. Together with the Polish composer Maciejewski he founded and conducted a big Slavic choir. Upon his return in 1938, he was appointed inspector of music at the Bulgarian Ministry of Education. He worked also as artistic secretary of the Sofia Opera (1940-1948) and Director of the Department of Musical Creativity and Performance Art (1948-58). He founded and conducted the Chamber Male Voices Choir (1939-43) and was Head of the workers’ choir “Georgi Kirkov” (1945-49). From 1953 to 1954 he was editor-in-chief of the Bulgarian Music Magazine. He taught Choral Conducting at the State Academy of Music, becoming Professor in 1962. He composed cantatas and suites; choral and solo songs; he arranged Bulgarian and foreign folksongs. Lots of his songs are considered classic and were included in the permanent repertoire of the Bulgarian choirs. He was awarded numerous prizes and distinctions.
He wrote textbooks and articles; he also compiled song collections.
Glory to Motherland for four choruses – children’s, women’s, men’s and mixed (1960).
Choral songs:
For mixed choir:
Syala malka moma (A Maiden Sows the Field); Umrial Djerman (Djerman Died); Pominuvam, zaminuvam (I Pass, I Go) all based on traditional lyrics (1934);
Pigeons Coo; White Spring and Otvanka uhae na lyulyak (The Lilac Is Spreading Its Aroma) all based on poems by Nikola Furnadjiev (1951);
Sinigerova svatba (Titmouse’s Wedding), lyrics by I. Stratiev (1952).
For mixed and equal voices choir:
Koza i pelin (Goat and Mugwort); Dyado i mechka (Old Man and Bear); Konche vodya, mamo (Mother, Look at My Horse), traditional lyrics (1940).
For male voices choir:
Christmas Carols (1942);
Triptych (Forest Is Whispering; Black Clouds in the Sky; White Fairytale) (1942);
Ballade “The Immortal” (1949).
Children’s songs:
White Pigeons (1953);
Dremcho na lager (Dremcho at the Camp) (1954).
Selected books published in Bulgarian):
Readings on Choral Art (Sofia, 1974).
Selected literature on him (in Bulgarian):
Balareva, Agapia. Composer Georgi Dimitrov (Sofia, 1976);
Morfov, Bogdan. Glory to Motherland… (Sofia, 1981).