Andrey Stoyanov
composer, music theoretician, pianist, pedagogue

23.03.1890 – 29.09.1969Shumen – Bulgaria
Andrey Stoyanov is son of Anastas Stoyanov and brother of Vesselin Stoyanov. He was among the founding members of the Contemporary Music Society (which later became the Union of Bulgarian Composers) in 1933. He graduated from the Robert College in Instanbul majoring in Piano under the Austrian pedagogue Sikac. From 1910 to 1914 he studied Piano with K. Prohazka and Theory of Music with H. Gredner and E. Mandichevski at the Music Academy in Vienna. Upon his return he taught at the State Music School (the today’s National Music High School). From 1922 to 1958 he was Professor at the State Academy of Music in Sofia. In 1950 Stoyanov was elected Chairman of the Piano Department. He is among the founders of the Bulgarian piano school. In 1953 he became Head of the Music Pedagogy Department of the Institute of Music (the today’s Music Department at the Institute of Art Studies) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
He composed piano music; a few chamber works; solo and choral songs.
He wrote a number of books and other studies in the field of music pedagogy and aesthetics, textbooks, over 300 articles.
Chamber Music:
Trio for piano, violin and violoncello;
Rhapsody for violin and piano.
For piano:
Funf Klavierstucke (Klemm, Leipzig, 1917);
Five Lyrical Pieces;
Three Bulgarian Rhapsodies;
Two Sonatas;
Six Concert Sonatinas;
Eight Childrens Pieces (1952);
Album for the Young (1954);
Following Sunny Roads 20 pieces (1955);
40 Folksongs and Dances (1956);
Variations on a Folksong (1958);
Eight Preludes;
Three Dance Pieces.
Vocal music with piano accompaniment:
40 songs on poems by Ivan Vazov, Pencho Slaveykov, Dimcho Debelianov, Peyo Yavorov, Hristo Smirnenski, Hristo Yasenov, Kiril Hristov, Nikolay Liliev, Nikola Vaptzarov, Dora Gabe, etc. (The Old Musician, on a poem by Dimcho Debelyanov; The Quiet Spring Rain, on a poem by Nikolay Liliev, etc.).
Choral music:
For mixed choir:
Da bade den (Let It Be Day), on a poem by Hristo Smirnenski;
Kolelo (Wheel), on a poem by Elisaveta Bagriana.
“Kamenarki”, text by L. Stanchev and others.
Selected books (published in Bulgarian):
Andrey Stoyanov – Selected Writings (edited by S. Stoyanov) (Sofia, 1972).
Stoyanov, Andrey. Essays from His Archives. Collection (compiled by Darya Kalaydjieva-Stoyneva and Anani Stoynev) (Sofia, 2000).