Georgi Timev

composer, opera artist

24.04.1920 – 12.07.1993Petrich – Bulgaria

Georgi Timev studied music as auxiliary student at the Opera Studies Faculty of the State Academy of Music majoring in Singing under Professor Liudmila Prokopova and Composition under Professor Vesselin Stoyanov and Professor Parashkev Hadjiev. He worked as trainee-artist at the Sofia Opera (1952-53) and artist in the Plovdiv Opera (1953-58). He was head of the Music Amateur Activity Section at the Central House of Traditional Art and Craft. He was editor of the Pop Music Magazine and was head of music ensembles.

He composed mass, pop and choral songs, authored folksong arrangements, etc. His works won prizes such as the Honorary Prize at the Second International Competition for Composition and Harmony in Trentino Aldo Aligge (Italy).


More, Yano;
Spring Rain;
Festival Waltz;
The Other;
Spring Fragrance and others.