Elisaveta Valchinova - Chendova
Prof. Dr. Assoc. Elisaveta Valchinova-Chendova is a Bulgarian musicologist, professor in the Department of Music at the New Bulgarian University (since March 2010) and professor (senior research associate I degree, 2008) in the Music sector of the Institute for the Study of Arts — BAS, d. Ph.D.
In 1985, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Military brass bands in Bulgaria and their repertoire – 1879-1944” as a full-time doctoral student at the then Institute of Music at the BAS (now the “Music” sector of the Institute for Arts Research), in which has been operating since February 1, 1982 to date. In 2005, she defended a dissertation for the award of the scientific degree “Doctor of Art Studies” on the topic “New Bulgarian music in recent decades: models and interpretations”.
She is the author of the study “Traditional urban instrumental practice and orchestral culture in Bulgaria – mid-19th – end of the 20th century” (S., 2000), “Encyclopedia of Bulgarian Composers” (UBC, 2003), published in Bulgarian and in English , of the book “The new Bulgarian music in recent decades: models and interpretations” (S., IIzk, 2004), of the book “The world of my music. Composer Vladimir Panchev”, co-author. with A. Naydenova (2008); of studies and articles dedicated to Bulgarian composer creativity and performance art in Bulgarian and foreign printed scientific thematic collections, encyclopedic editions and others, as well as in Internet editions.
She has published numerous journalistic and critical materials in specialized and periodical press.
She has been the editor-in-chief since 2006 of the magazine “Bulgarian Musicology”, a publication of the Institute of Art Studies – BAS. Chairman of the “Musicologists” section and member of the Board of Directors of the Union of Bulgarian Composers (1999-2002; 2002-2005; 2008-2011, from 2017). From July 2011 to October 2014, he was a member of the management of the section.
She is the winner of the award for criticism and journalism “Vladimir Bashev” (1989), “Crystal Lyre 2004” of the Union of Bulgarian Music and Dance Artists, awards of the Ministry of Culture and “Classic FM” radio, awards of the SBC for musicological creativity “Book of the year” (2000, 2003, 2004, 2010), “Golden five-line 2005” and others.